IFRS Consolidation and Comprehensive BPC Planning

IFRS Consolidation

Staging and Rollup IFRS Consolidation solution covering all the required elimination rules, methods, calculations and automated validations with a full fledged set of Dynamic Reports designed by InsightCubes.

InsightCubes BPC for IFRS

The IFRS Consolidation Rapid deployment solution designed by InsightCubes adopts the SAP Starter kit and adds several features that have been regularly required by companies, in addition to full recreation of the reporting layer to ensure enhanced scalability, faster query and more control to end users.

InsightCubes SAP Analytics Designer Revenue planning

Revenue Planning

Analyze, review and forecast revenue per product or service, geography, profit center and other criteria.

The revenue planning and analysis model enables organizations to review, analyze and plan revenue streams per service and product, based on a set of customizable criteria to fit the business industry.

Analysis of Revenue streams with extensive “Axis of Analysis”

  • Analyze the current quantities sold and revenues generated based on multiple axis of analysis (geography, product/service, UOM, customer, revenue center, ect…)
  • Report on intercompany quantities transferred per product and automatically match demand/supply across the group down to cost object level
  • Derive impact on production demand, inventory/feedstock movement, recharge centers and track progress on daily/weekly/monthly or yearly sales targets.

Planning and Forecasting

  • Begin by making assumptions about economic growth, growth of the company’s market and changes in the competitive environment to impact sales forecast.
  • Determine the key drivers of revenues and utilize to generate the figures
  • Plan sales quantities per day, month or year based on manual input or through simulation by factors
  • Monitor impact on inventory and production planning, along with relevant KPIs.

Manpower Planning

Analyze, review and forecast the numbers and costs of manpower needed by the organization to achieve the objectives.

The Manpower Planning model is designed to consume transactional data from existing source systems and enable analysis and planning in accordance to scalable requirements. The system is designed to allow expansion of the “axis of analysis” while maintaining simulation by factors, percentages and other criteria.

Analyzing the current manpower inventory

  • Analyze the current supply and cost breakdown of employees per required criteria (grade, employment type, department, job category, nationality and more)
  • Conduct automated Demand and supply matching of talent based on specific criteria.
  • Analyze cost of new vacancies

Making future manpower forecasts

  • Plan promotions, new hires, reductions, and secondment based on the Demand and Supply matching information.
  • Simulate cost changes by factor & percentages across individual or group of departments, job grades or nationalities.
  • Forecast, Budget, and conduct 5+ year Plan through one streamlined business process flow.
InsightCubes SAP Analytics Designer Manpower planning
InsightCubes SAP Analytics Designer Project Planning

Project Planning

The model is designed to handle large amounts of projects and calculations through a detailed relational architecture.

Project planning model contains the projects and their WBS, along with the linked accounts, phases, status, project category, cost centers and other criteria for easy reporting, analysis and planning.

Analyzing the current projects

  • List of projects with the required customizable breakdowns per committed budget, utilized budget, revised budget, date of start, actuals breakdown and needed KPIs
  • Detailed relationship between projects, status, categories, cost center and other criteria allows for concise reporting
  • Integration with manpower costs to cross check costs allocated manpower resources per project

Project planning capabilities

  • Review, assess, accept/reject proposed projects (proposing projects can include custom assessment model per project with questionnaire)
  • Plan per project or down to WBS level, in addition to Direct material, human resource and other accounts
  • Instant validation of committed budget, revised budget, consumed budget and remaining to ensure total values match
  • Ability to plan each WBS per start and end day, allowing for Gantt chart reporting with duration calculation and validation with total project timespan. This level of detail is available but can be bypassed by inputting values on total project or total project per WBS.

Profitability Model

A centralized model that is designed to automatically derive the concise profitability and cost per object, after a set of allocation procedures.

The Profitability model is designed for large implementation whereas all the Actual and Planned data from the different models needs to be unified. A sequential set of allocations, with customizable process chains, drivers & logic, is applied to derive the true cost & profitability per Responsibility center and Cost Object Level..

Profitability Model capabilities for further BPC Planning:

  • Profit per customer, product, channel, revenue center, ect…
  • Acquires data from all subsequent planning models to provide unified view of the planned vs actual figures
  • Allows for conducting allocation of costs and revenue across Responsibility centers (Cost & Revenue Centers, Departments & Divisions) in a customizable sequence and according to different factors. Actual profitability deviation from plans
  • Derives the true cost and revenue per Cost Object (Product or Service) after conducting the allocations of Cost and Revenues
  • Calculation of KPIs, measures, break even points, DCF, trends and simulation of What/If & Sensitivity analysis
  • Difference in revenue, cost, profitability (of plans and forecasts) built with a forward looking view of profitability versus a backward looking view.

The Profitability model in SAP BPC is based on thorough understanding of the SAP PCM (Profitability and Cost Management), while utilizing the capabilities and features of SAP BPC on HANA.

If you have questions about our IFRS Consolidation or BPC Planning with InsightCubes, please contact us.

InsightCubes SAP Analytics Designer Profitability model

If you have questions about our IFRS Consolidation or BPC Planning with InsightCubes contact us today

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