InsightCubes SAP Managed Cloud service offers affordable, ready-to-use, SAP solutions in cloud

It enables customers to access SAP software quickly and easily without the need for up-front infrastructure costs associated with on premise software deployments. Our SAP Managed Cloud is a comprehensive hosting and managed service offers road-map, strategy, planning, migration and operational management.

SAP Managed Cloud service

Cloud provider agnostic deployment models include a combination of Public (AWS, Azure), Private or Hybrid cloud.


SAP Certified Cloud Hosting

Insight Cubes is a SAP-certified provider of cloud and hosting services. Certified professionals in Insight Cubes’ provide expertise in helping enterprise customers simplify the whole process of SAP Cloud migration as well as manage and support the operation of the enterprise applications.

SAP Certified Cloud Hosting

Key Features


Evaluate the customer existing landscapes and then propose cloud options that meet the customer requirements with a combination of public (AWS, Azure), private or hybrid cloud deployment models.


Architecture and Design

Various cloud deployment models are available to the customers. A highly stable, secure and reliable SAP system with a fault tolerant cloud solution with no single point of failure that compromise the availability of the application. In addition to multiple layers of redundancy, design a geographically diverse strategy for the SAP applications to ensure complete availability and recovery of critical asset.




A simplified and cost-effective service to help the customer migrate the existing SAP application to cloud through the use of applied cloud techniques and innovative tools. The migration to cloud is FREE of charge for customers who sign up for multi-year contract.


Manage and Support

SAP Basis layer services include monitoring and standard operations management.


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